Equine Veterinary Care
Our Services
Equiheart® offers a wide range of equine medical services, including 24/7 mobile emergency service throughout northern New Jersey. Dr. Wilson continually studies the latest developments in equine science and veterinary medicine so your horse can receive the best treatment possible. Her clients benefit from fair and reasonable rates where services are guaranteed to be delivered with compassion and the highest degree of care.
At Equiheart®, your horse is not “just another horse.” Equiheart® clients receive personal attention and a direct line of communication with Dr. Wilson. She is one of a few doctors who still believes in answering her phone without screening calls though a receptionist or an answering service! Your horse’s health is her highest priority.
Wellness Care
Similar to a “yearly check-up” in humans, horses should receive an annual exam every year! In an annual exam, Dr. Wilson will perform a physical evaluation of your horse, review his or her weight, vision, skin, and teeth, and discuss any concerns with you. She will provide you guidance about disease prevention, nutition, and health maintenance — and even offer equine wellness plans tailored to your horse’s individual needs. This type of routine care can help prevent small issues from becoming serious problems. Schedule a wellness exam today!
24/7 Emergency Care
Unfortunately, our horses seem to have a way of experiencing emergencies when we least expect it. Dr. Wilson is available 24/7 for emergency situations, including lacerations, eye injuries, colic, lethargy, hives, persistent diarrhea, non-weight bearing lameness, choke, and loss of appetite. Make sure your equine first aid kit is fully stocked so that you will be prepared to administer first aid to your horse while Dr. Wilson is en route, if necessary!
A properly designed vaccination regimen is essential to a horse’s vitality and well-being. At Equiheart®, we’d like to help you develop an appropriate regimen for each of your horses. We can guide you through the wide array of available vaccines and help you decide when administration would be most beneficial.
Health Certificates
Dr. Wilson is certified by the USDA to issue Equine Health Certificates (also called Certificates of Veterinary Inspection) and Coggins testing for exposure to Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA). These certificates are necessary to travel with your horse.
Equine Dentistry
Routine dental care can greatly enhance your horse's life! Horses and other equine species have teeth which erupt continually throughout their lives and require regular care. Unresolved dental issues can lead to poor body condition, colic, choke, fractured teeth and even troublesome sinus infections. To keep your horse happy and performing their best, Dr. Wilson’s preventive maintenance dental service includes: mild sedation, a complete detailed dental exam with speculum, and a precision dental equilibration (teeth floating). Click here to watch a video demonstration of Dr. Wilson’s preventative maintenance dental service.
Soundness Evaluations
Whether your horse is displaying signs of lameness or you’d simply like to asses whether it’s safe to increase your horse’s activity level, Dr. Wilson is happy to provide a soundness evaluation. Evaluations include a review of your horse’s history, a physical exam of the horse at rest, a hands-on exam, and an evaluation of the horse in motion. Dr. Wilson will also perform an in-hand evaluation with flexions to reveal problems not otherwise readily apparent. For problems that lie “beneath the surface,” such as soft tissue injuries or bone structure issues, Dr. Wilson can perform diagnostic radiographs and ultrasounds from the comfort of your own barn with portable imagining equipment.
Laboratory Testing
In order to streamline your horse’s care, it’s important to be able to detect disease effectively and efficiently. Labwork is often an essential part of the diagnostic process, helping Dr. Wilson diagnose disease and begin treatment quickly. Equiheart® offers many types of specialized bloodwork, including:
Routine bloodwork, such as Complete Blood Count (CBC), which checks a horse’s levels of blood cells (e.g. red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets)
Serum Amyloid A (SAA), a 10-minute stall-side test, which helps detect inflammation
Chemistry panels, which check the functions of organs such as the kidney and liver, as well as electrolyte levels, muscle enzyme levels, and blood protein levels
Metabolic syndrome and Cushings disease tests
Quantitative Fecal Egg Count, which detects the presence or absence of parasites
Labwork is performed in a third-party lab, then reviewed by Dr. Wilson and discussed with the horse’s owner.
Purchase Exams
Pre-purchase exams help prospective horse owners establish a baseline of preexisting conditions, identify relative soundness, health status, and medical abnormalities, and identify conditions which may prevent the horse from performing as expected. A pre-purchase exam will provide the necessary information needed to make an informed purchase decision.
MagnaWave Therapy
Equiheart® Veterinary Services is certified and equipped to perform MagnaWave therapy on your horse! MagnaWave technology has been shown to reduce pain and inflammation and increase metabolism in horses — without drugs or side effects. MagnaWave has been shown to relieve equine arthritis, aid in recovery from performance stress, help soft tissue injuries and muscle soreness, reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, improve hoof abscesses and stone bruises, and more! Learn more about MagnaWave here.